Ad Hoc Problems: The Categories

The Ad Hoc Problems

The USACO states that Ad Hoc problems are the problems "cannot be classified anywhere else".

The Categories:


Those involving card games. It may be a good idea to map the strings (for suits and values) to some integers indices.


Most of them require permutations and combinations. Being good at chess and math do helps.

Problems Related to Palindromes

A palindrome is a word (or a sequence) that can be read the same way in either direction. These problems build the problem around palindromes.

Problems Related to Anagrams

Two words are said to be anagrams if one of them can be rearranged into others. Like "ABC" and "CBA" are anagrams.

Problems involving Time

These problems utilize concepts such as dates, times and calendars. Such problems can be far easier to solve if you have mastered the Java GregorianCalendar class.

These are types of Ad Hoc problems. Since they don't have any pattern(that's why they are called as Ad Hoc) there might be problems that don't fit into these classes.

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