Forests, Trees and Graphs

Some basic terminologies of Graphs: Trees, Forests, acorns

Recall the definition of graphs:

A graph G is a set of point VG), along with a set of edges E(G), where each element of E(G) is an unordered pair of distinct points of V(G).


If you draw the graph and you see a closed-loop in it. The loop is called a "cycle".


A graph devoid of cycles is called a tree.


A path in a graph G is an alternating sequence of points and edges, such that all the points of the path are distinct.

Every two points of a tree are joined by a unique path.

Connected Graphs

A graph is called connected if every pair of points are joined by a path. If the graph is not connected then it is made up of "subgraphs". These subgraphs are called as connected components of the graph G.


A graph for which each connected component is a tree is called a forest.


In the forest when one of the component trees has one point but no edges joined to it. That is, it is an isolated dot. This is called an acorn.

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